
How did your brothers make an impact on you during your time at Lehigh? Here’s what one brother told us.
We hear it time and time again when we talk to brothers about Lambda Chi Alpha, there are certain brothers that when you think about your time at Lehigh, always stick out. Whether it be them helping you in your

Throwback to Lambda Chi Alpha in 2001
Source Courtesy of Epitome Yearbook 2001. Check out this blast from the past, all the way back to 2001! Lambda Chi Alpha is featured in Lehigh’s Yearbook, Epitome, for placing 2nd in Greek Week with their Wing King and Queen

Alumni Updates: Here’s what your brothers have been up to since Lehigh
It is always a great opportunity when you get to catch up with a brother you haven’t seen in a while! We recently caught up with a brothers who gave us an update on what they have been up to

It’s time to start thinking about upcoming events!
Spring is just around the corner, and with the warmer temperatures now on the rise, it has us thinking about getting back together with Lambda Chi Alpha brothers. Mark your calendar now for Lehigh University Reunion 2023!: June 8th –

James Pressler ’69: “Brothers I will remember forever”
James Pressler ’69 followed his years at Lehigh, where he majored in electrical engineering, with a lifetime of service to his country, transitioning immediately into service with Air Force. James served four years of active duty at HQUSAF Security Service

Here’s what you support when you donate to Lambda Chi Alpha
It’s the beginning of our giving year and we want to start the year off right! Will you join the brothers listed on the HONOR ROLL? Your contribution makes an impact. It is at the heart of everything we do. Your