James Pressler ’69: ” I got so much out of being at the house.”

We want to take this time to say THANK YOU to James Pressler ’69 for his continued support of Gamma-Psi Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha over the years. He was recently named as one our top 50 donors, what an accomplishment! We asked him about his time with Lambda Chi Alpha and how that impacted life after graduation. Read on to see what James had to say!

What impacted your decision to pledge to Lambda Chi Alpha?

The brothers in the house at the time were very compatible with my characteristics.

What set Lambda Chi Alpha apart on Lehigh’s campus while you were there?

We were off campus and had a very strong brother hood, it was so much fun!

What is one of your best memories?

The house parties bring back great memories.

What impact did Lambda Chi Alpha have on your life after graduation? How did it prepare you for life?

Serving in various positions in the house helped me mature and get ready for the real world.

Why do you give back? Why is giving back to Lambda Chi Alpha so crucial?

I got so much out of the house, that I feel the need to give back. 


Can you finish this sentence: Without Lambda Chi Alpha, I wouldn’t ___________.

– have had such a broad experience at Lehigh.


Thank you again to James for his continued support to Lambda Chi Alpha over the years!